Ear Cleansing
Photo: Ear toxins from Ear Detox
Ear detox or ear cleansing is the use of fire and beeswax candles to create a vacuum in order to naturally extract excessive build up wax, pollen, and other debris from the ear. A practitioner may also use massage techniques and tools to help guide and flush out fluid and other build up through the lymphatic system and out of the ear. This can help reduce allergies, improve hearing, and lower pressure or tension in the head.
Wax naturally builds up over time due to natural environmental interactions. Dust, pollen, small debris, and other forms of trash may collect in the ear as a person moves throughout their life. This may block the ear’s ability to hear properly and the dirt and trash itself may cause infections, swelling, and discomfort in the ear itself.
The ear detox treatment itself is harmless and painless. A practitioner will detox one ear at a time, using techniques to effectively draw out the buildup and flush out fluid through the lymphatic system and out the ear. These techniques are quite relaxing and many fall asleep throughout the detox process. Results are usually immediate and regular maintenance can help reduce allergy symptoms and even breathing-related issues in the long run.
Regular cleaning and proper care can help reduce possible infections and avoiding toxic or polluted environments helps keep not only your ears but your airways clean. Air purifiers and antibacterial cleaning machines can help if the environment can not be avoided.
A breath of fresh air is literally a breath of fresh air.
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