Protein Powder
It is understandable why many choose protein powders or protein bars to help get leaner or have more energy, however, these products actually counteract the results that they are looking for.
Protein powder products contain whey powder which can increase your chances of getting cancer. There are a lot of chemicals and synthetic sugars that are put into protein power products so this will increase the amount of toxins in your body. The more toxins in your body the harder it is for it to function properly or efficiently. Synthetic sugars can make you feel that you have more energy, but instead it actually depletes your energy. There is a major difference to understand when it comes to synthetic sugars and natural. Natural pure raw sugar will allow your body to process it better and with synthetic sugars because there are so many chemicals trying to copy real sugar it is considered toxic to your body.
Instead of protein powder bars opt for homemade protein bars. Homemade protein bars are very easy to make and they can be customized to your palate. For instance, at Stone International Wellness Center we create customized protein powder bars based on our clients’ needs (if they have certain deficiencies or if they are looking for certain tastes). Here is one recipe to consider:
Natural pure raw honey (other granola bars give you more sweetness with less nutritional value)
Your choice of dehydrated fruit: Figs, persimmon, prune, plum (blend together)
Mix in natural and unsalted nuts
Drizzle honey over it
Caramelize it with dark chocolate
Photo: Protein powder
Another key element to consider is if you are consuming protein powder products and you are finding it harder to lose weight or see any results the biggest issue that is causing this confusion is the fact that protein powders contain milk based powder. Milk along with other dairy products are very difficult to flush out of the body. Dairy products become like wax in the body and it is almost there to stay, however, when a patient visits our clinic to get a body detox we stimulate the body to start flushing out toxins with cupping treatments.
When a client decides to try our cupping treatments it is detrimental that they understand that a lifestyle is also highly encouraged. The reason behind this is because once the body is cleansed of build up toxins the lymph nodes are cleared, however, when a patient continues to eat poorly or continues to not live a clean lifestyle the lymph nodes will become clogged even worse than the time before.
At Stone International Wellness Center our practitioners want our patients to understand that everything you put in your body is vital in order to achieve your health and wellness goals. Eating clean and staying away from products that rely heavily on chemicals is the first major step from eliminating more toxins from entering your body.